Test Series - html

Test Number 69/72

Q: Which of the following changes order of the grid columns?
A. .col-*-pull-*
B. .col-*-offset-*
C. .col-*-push-*
D. .collapse
Solution: .col-*-pull-* changes order of the grid column, .col-*-offset-* moves columns to the right, these classes increase left margin of a column by * columns, .col-*-push-* changes order of the grid columns, .collapse indicates collapsible content.
Q: Which of the following spans full width of screen?
A. .container
B. .control-label
C. .container-fluid
D. .collapse-in
Solution: .containerfluid is a container that spans the full width of the screen, .container is a fixed width container with widths determined by screen sites, .control-labels allows a label to be used for form validation.
Q: Which class is used to separate links in dropdown menu?
A. .divider
B. .dl-horizontal
C. .disabled
D. .dropdown
Solution: .divider class is there to separate links in dropdown menu with thin horizontal border, .dl-horizontal lines up the terms 
and descriptions
elements side-by-side, .dropdown creates a toggleable menu that allows user to choose one value from predefined list.
Q: Which of the following adds default styles for dropdown menu container?
A. .dropdown-menu
B. .dropdown-toggle
C. .dropdown-menu-right
D. .dropdown
Solution: .dropdown-menu adds default styles for dropdown menu container, .dropdown-header is used to add headers inside dropdown menu, .dropdown-right right-aligns a dropdown menu, .dropdown-toggle is used on the button that should hide and show the dropdown menu.
Q: Which class adds a rounded border around an element?
A. .well-sm
B. .well-lg
C. .well
D. .divider
Solution: .well adds a rounded border around an element with gray background color and some padding, .well-lg is a large well i.e. for more padding, .well-sm is a small well with less padding.
Q: Which of the following will show popup-box?
A. .well
B. .visible-*
C. .thumbnail
D. .tooltip
Solution: .tooltip is for the popup-box that appears when a user moves the mouse pointer over an element, .thumbnail adds a border around an element often used for images or videos to make it look like a thumbnail. .well adds a rounded border around an element with gray background color and some padding. .visible-* is used to show the content by device.
Q: Which of the following class will show blue text?
A. .text-primary
B. .text-success
C. .text-muted
D. .text-warning
Solution: text-primary shows blue text color, .text-success shows green text color which indicates success, .text-warning shows yellow or orange text color which indicates warning, .text-muted shows grey color text, .text-danger shows red color text.
Q: Which of the following makes a table more compact?
A. .table-responsive
B. .table-hover
C. .table-condensed
D. .table-bordered
Solution: .table-condensed makes a table more compact by cutting cell padding in half, .table-hover creates a hoverable table by adding grey background color on table rows on hover, .table-responsive makes table responsive by adding the horizontal scrollbar when needed.
Q: Which of the following creates toggleable tabs?
A. .tab-pane
B. .table-responsive
C. .table-condensed
D. .table
Solution: .tab-pane is used together with .tab-content to create toggleable or dynamic tabs or dynamic pills. .table adds basic styling to a table like bottom borders, padding etc. Cutting cell padding in half to make table more compact, .table-condensed is used. A responsive table is created by .table-responsive.
Q: Which class is a container for responsive columns?
A. .sr-only
B. .small
C. .show
D. .row
Solution: .row class is for container for responsive columns, .small creates a lighter, secondary text in any heading, .sr-only hides an element on all devices except for screen readers, .show class shows an element.

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