Test Series - html

Test Number 14/72

Q: Which of the following element is not removed by HTML5?
A. vlink
B. span
C. marginwidth
D. compact
Solution: A  element (used to color a part of a text) is still used in HTML5. Elements like vlink, marginwidth and compact has been removed in HTML5, which were part of HTML markup. In earlier they have been deprecated.
Q: Which of the following is not a newly added element in HTML5?
A. article
B. audio
C. nav
D. frameset
Solution: An article tag is semantic element newly introduced in HTML5 along with nav and audio. Frameset was already introduced in HTML markup used to divide window/web page in frames.
Q: ____________ defines the accelerator key to be used for keyboard access to an element.
A. data-X
B. accesskey
C. rp
D. command
Solution: Command tag specifies a command provided with action. When one want to provide parentheses around ruby text, rp tag is used. The accesskey attribute specifies a shortcut key to activate/focus an element. Data-X stores data.
Q: Which of the following element represents the header of a section or the document and contains a label or other heading information for the related content?
A. data-X
B. header
C. mark
D. meter
Solution: Data-X element consist of data. The mark element indicates highlighted/marked text. The header element represents a container for introductory content or a set of navigational links.
Q: Which of the following element sets is an item of metadata?
A. itemscope
B. itemref
C. itemtype
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Itemscope is a boolean global attribute that defines the scope of associated metadata. The itemscope attribute creates a new item, a group of name-value pairs. The URL of vocabulary is specified by itemtype global attribute. List of element ID’s is provided by itemref.
Q: ____________ defines a group of content that should be used as a figure and may be labeled by a legend element.
A. figure
B. details
C. output
D. aside
Solution: The aside tag contains data related to its surrounding.  is result of anything. The figure tag specifies self-contained content, like illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc. Additional details that someone wants to know or hide as per demand are provided by details element.
Q: Which element is used to define a discrete unit of content such as a blogpost, comment, and so on?
A. section
B. class
C. article
D. media
Solution: Sections in document is made by the section tag. The class attribute specifies one or more class names to HTML. An article element is semantic element and it contains a standalone piece of content that would make sense if syndicated as an RSS item, for example a news item.
Q: HTML5 documents may contains a ___________ element, which is used to set the header section of a document.
A. header
B. footer
C. section
D. drive
Solution: Section element is used to make sections in document. The copyright/footer information is provided by footer element in HTML5. A header for document section is given by header element. The header tag is used to contain the header content of a site.
Q: Which element may be used within content to represent material that is tangential?
A. aside
B. cite
C. article
D. class
Solution:  tag defines the title of work. The class attribute specifies one or more class names to HTML. An article tag is similar to 
which contains information. The aside tag defines a block of content that is related to the main content around it, but not central to the flow of it.
Q: ___________ contains the navigation menu, or other navigation functionality for the page.
A. section
B. header
C. nav
D. aside
Solution: The nav element is for marking up the navigation links or other constructs (eg a search form) that will take you to different pages of the current site, or different areas of the current page. Header contains section of headings. Section element is used to make sections in document. The aside tag defines a block of content that is related to the main content around it, but not central to the flow of it.

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