Test Series - html

Test Number 46/72

Q: Each cell of the table can be represented by using __________
Solution: td stands for table data, we can represent each cell of the table by using , at the end we used  tag. But some browsers by default draw the lines around table.  is used to indicate start of every row i.e. it stands for table row. The header information is present in  tag.  tag contains the group of header.
Q: For heading we can use ____________
Solution:  element is used for representing heading of column or a row. It works same as  element. If shell has no content we can use  element also there. We can use scope attribute for specifying the heading is for row or column. Usually content of  is represented in bold.  tag contains the group of header.  is used to indicate start of every row i.e. it stands for table row.
Q: Headings of table lies inside ___________
Solution: Headings of the table lies inside  element. Footer lies inside the  element. The body of the table lies inside  element.  is used for giving heading to a row or a column. Every element must have closing tag also i.e. , , 
Q: Which of the following is not the element associated with HTML table layout?
A. size
B. spanning
C. alignment
D. color
Solution: There are three elements in HTML table layout i.e. size, spanning and alignment. Layout type can be achieved by setting Rows elements layout attribute to Fixed or Auto. Auto attribute relies on browser compatibility whereas fixed layout relies on developer specification.
Q: Which of the following element is not associated with a class attribute?
A. Row
C. Column cell
D. Rows
Solution: Column cell, Row, and Rows are the container elements. They have a class attribute with the help of this we can apply special styling. Table alignment is also controlled style sheet classes. Text-align and vertical-align are the style attributes that align the content of the table.
Q: For adding caption to the table we use ____________
Solution: For adding caption to the table we use  tag. It should be used just below the  tag.
Syntax is 
saving loss
. tag contains the group of header. is used to indicate start of every row i.e. it stands for table row. The header information is present in tag.
Q: border-spacing is given in _____________
A. pixels
B. cm
C. mm
D. inch
Solution: border-spacing and border-collapse are the two properties by which one can set the border and its styling in a table. We give its value in pixels.
 table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 14px } th, td{ border: 12 px solid red; padding: 20px 13px; }
Q: Borders can’t be applied on ________________
Solution: Borders can’t be applied on  elements. It can’t be applied on table structural elements. For setting borders with  element, border-collapse property should be set to collapse.
Syntax is 
table {border-collapse: collapse;} 
th, td{border-bottom: 2px dotted red; } 
tfoot tr:last-child td{border-bottom: 9 px;}
Q: Which attribute defines numbers of columns in a group?
A. width=multi-length[CN].
B. span=number[CN].
C. scope=scope-name[CN].
D. headers=idrefs[CS].
Solution: span=number[CN] attribute’s value must be an integer and greater than 0. It specifies the number of columns in a group. When span attribute is not in use, colgroup defines a single column group containing one column. width=multi-length[CN] specifies default width of for every column. scope=scope-name[CN] specifies set of data cells for which going header cell gives header information. The headers=idrefs[CN] provides list of header cells that gives header information.
Q: Which of the following does not specify a column width?
A. Fixed
B. Percentage
C. Proportional
D. Pixels
Solution: We can specify column width in three ways i.e. Percentage, Fixed, Proportional. Fixed width is given in pixels. Percentage specification is the percentage of horizontal space availability in the table. The proportional specification is the portions of fixed horizontal space required for the table.

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