Test Series - html

Test Number 67/72

Q: General sibling selector is declared with the notation:
A. +
B. ~
C. &
D. #
Solution: CSS general sibling selector is new type of selector that is just been added in CSS3. This selector is declared with ~ notation E.g. div ~y { background-color: blue; }, general sibling will target every selected element that follows previous element.
Q: translate() function is not supported by __________
A. safari 3.1
B. firefox 3.5
C. chrome 4
D. firefox 4
Solution: translate() function is supported in Google Chrome 4, Firefox 3.5, Internet Explorer 10, Safari 3.1, Opera 10.5. Vendor prefixes are still required to make transformations work on these browsers.
Q: CSS3 transition is not supported by ________
A. Internet Explorer 9
B. Internet Explorer 10
C. Safari 3.1
D. Firefox 4
Solution: the CSS3 transition is supported by Firefox 4, Safari 3.1, Chrome 4, Opera 10.5, Internet Explorer 10 browsers. Internet Explorer 9 does not support CSS3 transition, that is why we can’t see –ms- prefix in the preceding syntax. But Internet Explorer 10 will support CSS3 transition.
Q: Which is not the value for CSS transition?
A. transition-duration
B. delay
C. property
D. translate
Solution: CSS3 transition allows to change one CSS rule to another CSS rule gradually rather than instantaneously within a specific duration. There are four values specified in the syntax namely property, timing-function, transition-duration and delay.
Q: Which value specifies a length of the transition effect?
A. property
B. transition-duration
C. delay
D. timing-function
Solution: Property value specifies name for CSS transition effect. The value of transition-duration specifies a length of the transition effect. The value is specified in milliseconds (ms) and seconds (s). E.g. 190ms and 0.8s. The delay in transition effect is give by delay value. Speed curve of transition effect is provided by timing function.
Q: Which value specifies transition acceleration?
A. timing-function
B. property
C. transition-duration
D. delay
Solution: The value of transition-function specifies transition acceleration. There are five predefined acceleration types that we can use. They are ease-in, ease, ease-out, ease-in-out and linear. property value specifies name for CSS transition effect. The value of transition-duration specifies a length of the transition effect. The delay in transition effect is give by delay value.
Q: Whose value targets CSS property?
A. transition-duration
B. delay
C. property
D. timing-function
Solution: The value of transition-duration specifies a length of the transition effect. The delay in transition effect is give by delay value. The value of transition-function specifies transition acceleration. The value of property targets the CSS property to which transition effect should be applied. The property should be height, color, width, background etc. But if the value is not explicitly specified, it will take all as the default value, and will be applied to all the properties.
Q: The font format compatible for iOS is:
A. .svg
B. .ttf
C. .eot
D. .otf
Solution: Browsers set their own rules that outline which font format to use for web embedding. .ttf format is developed by Apple and microsoft and is mostly used as compatible font format in ios.
Q: Which font format is not supported by Firefox?
A. .ttf
B. .svg
C. .woff
D. .otf
Solution: The compatible font format for Firefox is .ttf and .otf. In Firefox 3.6 .woff format is also supported. The compatible font format for Internet Explorer are .eot and .woff, Opera gives support to .ttf, .otf and .svg formats.
Q: How many columns are used for grid system by bootstrap?
A. 14
B. 11
C. 16
D. 12
Solution: Bootstrap uses 12 columns of the grid system. Every column is defined with classes ranging from span1 to span12. After adding several columns, the sum of our span classes should be equal to 12. Columns should be wrapped within 

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