Test Series - html

Test Number 13/72

Q: Which one is the correct syntax for specifying media type?
A. type ”/” subtype *( “;” parameter)
B. subtype ”/” type *(“;” parameter)
C. parameter “/” type *(“;” subtype)
D. (“;” subtype) “/” type *(parameter)
Solution: Internet media types are used in Content-Type and Accept header fields. Media types are registered with IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority). The syntax for a media type is m-type = type “/” subtype *(“;” parameter). The name of subtype, type and parameter attribute all are case sensitive.
Q: Which header field defines meta information?
A. Request-header
B. Response-header
C. General-header
D. Entity-header
Solution: A HTTP header which does not relate to the content of message is a response-header. A request-header is used to provide information about request or response. Entity-header field defines meta information about the body. If the body is not present resource is identified by request. The general syntax for all the header fields is msg-header=field-name “:” [field-value]. General-header field is for both response and request.
Q: Which of the following is not the request method?
A. Head
B. Get
C. Remove
D. Put
Solution: There are various request methods on the resource identified by Request-URI. Get, post, head, delete, trace, connect, put and options are some of the methods. For retrieving information from the server we use Get method.
Q: Which symbol is used when HTTP request does not apply to the particular source?
A. ‘&’
B. ‘*’
C. ‘#’
D. ‘@’
Solution: When HTTP request does not apply to particular resource ‘*’ is used. It is applied to the server itself. This is only allowed when the used method is not necessarily applied to the resource. E.g. OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1
Q: Which of the following is not a request-header field?
A. Expect
B. Host
C. Delete
D. If-None-Match
Solution: For passing additional information about request we use request-header fields. These are also requested modifiers. There are several request-header fields like Accept-Encoding, Expect, Accept-Charset, Accept-Language, Form, Host, Authorization, If-Match, Proxy-Authorization, Range, User-Agent, TE, Referer, If-Unmodified-Since, If-Range.
Q: What does ‘3xx’ code denote?
A. Redirection
B. Server Error
C. Success
D. Informational
Solution: ‘3xx’ means Redirection, any further action have to be taken for completing the request. ‘1xx’ is for Informational, it signifies that the request was received and the process is going on. ‘2xx’ denotes Success, which signifies the action was successfully understood, received and accepted.
Q: Which of the following is not a response-header field?
A. Location
B. Server
C. ETag
D. Referer
Solution: For passing additional information about the response that can’t be placed in Status-Line, we use response-header fields. Some of the fields are Age, Accept-Ranges, Location, ETag, WWW-Authenticate, Vary, Server, Retry-After.
Q: Which of the following element represents a thematic break rather than a horizontal rule, though that is the likely representation?
Solution: The 
tag defines names/terms. tag in HTML is for list of commands. The hr tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page (e.g. a shift of topic). Thematic is break between paragraph-level elements.
Q: Which of the following element was redefined to represent user interface menus, including context menus?
    tag defines terms/names. The
    tag is used for thematic break between paragraph-level.
      tag is used to represent list of items/objects. tag in HTML is for list of commands. The menu tag is used for context menus, toolbars and for listing form controls and commands.
    Q: Which of the following HTML 4 attributes is not removed in HTML5?
    A. text
    B. rules
    C. link
    D. mark
    Solution: Mark attribute is still used in HTML5 but rest of attributes i.e. text, rules, link are deprecated in HTML5.

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