Test Series - html

Test Number 56/72

Q: Dirty Markup will not validate ___________
B. JavaScript
Solution: Linter application will point out the errors and can flag up the warning about bad practices in CSS. There is so many online linter application. Dirty Markup is the best one used for JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. CSS Lint is for CSS only. Dirty Markup also provides to fix your markup using a clean button.
Q: For handling CSS prefixes Chrome uses ___________
A. –ms-
B. –webkit-
C. –moz-
D. –chr-
Solution: Handling CSS prefixes is a mechanism originally used to allow browser vendors to implement their own version of CSS. Mozilla uses –moz-, Microsoft uses –ms-, Chrome, Safari, Opera uses –webkit-.
Q: Which one of the following will add prefix automatically?
A. Gulp
B. PostCSS
C. Selectivizr
D. MooTools
Solution: We can add prefixes automatically during the time of development. This can be done using tools like PostCSS and Autoprefixer. Autoprefixer has an online version that allows to enter non-prefixed CSS on left, and gives prefix-added version on the right. Gulp is an open source kit for js i.e. JavaScript. A javascript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudoclasses and attribute selectors are called selectivizr. Moo Tool is a javascript framework which is object oriented.
Q: The search that can’t be targeted by SEO is _______
A. video search
B. image search
C. academic search
D. audio search
Solution: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO can target different kinds of search including video search, image search, academic search, industry specific vertical search, news search. It differs from local search engine optimization. Optimization of a website includes editing its content, doing HTML, and associated coding to increase its relevance to specific keywords.
Q: Which of the following does not use a crawler to find pages for the search result?
A. Bing
B. Backrub
C. Yahoo
D. Google
Solution: Leading search engines like Bing, Google and Yahoo use crawlers for finding pages for the algorithmic search results. Pages linked from other search engine indexed pages do not need to be submitted because they are found by default.
Q: For keeping blog comment spam down we use ___________
A. nofollow
B. meta
C. title
D. heading
Solution: nofollow attribute is used for comments in blogs to keep blog comment spam down. This tag was created to keep spammy users away. This attribute tells Google and other search engines to not follow the link to the next page. Heading contains tag starting from h1 to h6. Title of the document is defined by title which is helpful for search engines. Meta is something related to data i.e like information of data.
Q: ‘Image Alt’ tags is not used for ____________
A. diagrams
B. screenshots
C. decorative images
D. infographics
Solution: ‘Image Alt’ tags should not be used for decorative images. It should be used for diagrams, Infographics, Photos of team members, Website logo, Images of merchandise and many other places where it’s an appropriate usage.
Q: Which tag is used for stopping duplicate content?
A. canonical tag
B. image alt tag
C. nofollow
D. meta
Solution: When we have a lot of web pages having similar content, this is a good way to stop duplicate content. This is also important to syndicate the content.
Meta elements like noindex and follow can also be used to stop duplicate content.
Q: Which one of the following is used to identify an anchor link?
A. #
B. #!
C. #?
D. &
Solution: Lone Hash (#) is used to identify anchor link i.e. jump links. These are the links that let one jump to the piece of content on a page. Anything after this lone hash portion of URL is never sent to the server and automatically scroll to the first element and to the id which it matches.
Q: Which of the following map type is not supported by mapTypeId?
A. Hybrid
B. Terrain
C. Roadmap
D. Climatic map
Solution: The map type that is to be displayed is specified by mapTypeId. The types that are supported are Satellite, Roadmap, Terrain and hybrid. E.g. mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP.

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