Test Series - css

Test Number 49/59

Q: Which of the following property is used to control column element breaks after an associated element when flowing multicolumn text?
A. column-break
B. column-break-after
C. column-break-before
D. multicolumn-break-after
Solution: Syntax: column-break-after: always | auto | avoid
Q: Which of the following property is used to control column element breaks before the associated element when flowing multicolumn text?
A. multicolumn
B. column-break-before
C. column-break
D. multicolumn-break-before
Solution: Syntax: column-break-before: always | auto | avoid
Q: Which of the following property defines the number of columns in a multicolumn text flow?
A. columns
B. column-flow
C. column-number
D. column-count
Solution: Syntax: column-count: integer | auto
Q: Which of the following property defines the gap between columns in a multicolumn text flow?
A. column-rule-flow
B. column-gap
C. column-rule
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Syntax: column-gap: length | normal
Q: Which of the following property defines the style of the divider rule between columns in a multicolumn text flow?
A. columns
B. column-flow
C. column-style
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Syntax: column-rule-style: dashed | dotted
Q: Which of the following property defines the width of a rule between columns in a multicolumn text flow?
A. column-rule-style
B. column-width
C. column-rule-width
D. columns
Solution: Syntax: column-rule-width: non-negative length
Q: Which of the following property is a shorthand definition of the number of columns and their widths in a multicolumn text flow?
A. column-width
B. column-style
C. columns
D. filter
Solution: Syntax: columns: column-count width
Q: Which of the following property defines the color of any rules between columns in a multicolumn text flow?
A. column-color
B. column-rule-color
C. column-rule-style
D. column-rule-decoration
Solution: Syntax: column-rule-color: color
Q: Which of the following property is used to apply visual effects to associated elements.
A. Alpha
B. BasicImage
C. Filter
D. Blur
Solution: Syntax:
filter: filtername(filtervalues) ... filtername(filtervalues)
Q: Which of the following property defines the resampling method to use when stretching images?
A. interpolation-mode
B. image-rendering
C. ime-mode
D. layout-grid
Solution: Syntax: image-rendering: auto | inherit

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