Test Series - css

Test Number 46/59

Q: Which of the following css property should be used to make a responsive image?
A. float
B. max-width
C. margin-right
D. all of the mentioned
Solution: Self-explainatory.
Q: Which of the following CSS framework is used to create a responsive design?
A. larawell
B. bootstrap
C. rails
D. all of the mentioned
Solution: Bootstrap is a free and open-source collection of tools for creating websites and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. It aims to ease the development of dynamic websites and web applications.
Q: Which of the following css propery defines a relationship between bound elements(s) and some code or content?
A. @import
B. @media
C. url-bind
D. binding
Solution: Syntax: binding: none | url(bindingfile)
Q: Which of the following css propery define the properties that will be animated in an animation rule?
A. @keyframes
B. animation-origin
C. transform
D. animation
Solution: Syntax: @keyframes: keyframe-name {percentage | from | to {cssrules}}
Q: Which of the following css property allows elements to be offset, rotated, scaled, and skewed in a variety of different ways?
A. transform-3D
B. transform-origin
C. transform
D. transition
Solution: Syntax: transform: list of transform-functions | none
Q: Which of the following css property is used to define a delay before an animation starts?
A. delay
B. transition-delay
C. transform-delay
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Syntax: transition-delay: time1
Q: Which of the following css property is used to define the time it takes one iteration of an animation to play?
A. control
B. animation-duration
C. transition-duration
D. all of the mentioned
Solution: none
Q: Which of the following css property is used to define which properties a transition will be applied to?
A. animation-property
B. transition-property
C. css3-property
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Syntax: transition-property: all | none | property-name-1
Q: Which of the following css property is used to describe how the animation will play?
A. animation-timing-function
B. css3-timing-function
C. transform-timing-function
D. transition-timing-function
Solution: Syntax:transition-timing-function transition-timing-function: timingfunction,timingfunction2,...timingfunctionN]
Q: Which of the following css property is used to define a delay before an animation starts?
A. transform-delay
B. delay-function
C. animation-delay
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Syntax: animation-delay: time1 [,..timeN]
Q: Which of the following css property is used to define the animations that should be run?
A. animation-run
B. animation-name
C. transtion-name
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Syntax:animation-name: @keyframe-name | none

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