Test Series - css

Test Number 20/59

Q: Which of the following property sets list-style-type, list-style-position, and liststyle-image?
A. style
B. list-style
C. menu-style
D. img-style
Solution: Syntax: list-style: list-style-type | list-style-position | list-style-image
Q: Which of the following property assigns a graphic image to a list item?
A. list-image-style
B. list-style-image
C. list-image
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Syntax: list-style-image: url(url of image) | none
Q: Which of the following property specifies whether the labels for an element’s list items are positioned inside or outside the “box” defined by the listed item?
A. list-style
B. list-position
C. list-style-position
D. list-position-style
Solution: Syntax: list-style-position: inside | outside | inherit
Q: Which of the following property defines labels for a list of items?
A. list-shape
B. list-style
C. list-type
D. list-style-type
Solution: Syntax: list-style-type: disc | circle | square | decimal
Q: Which of the following property defines in a shorthand form the width, style, and color for all four sides of an element’s border?
A. border
B. border-style
C. border-color
D. border-all
Solution: Example: div {border: 2px double red;}
Q: Which of the following property defines in a shorthand form the width, style, and color for the left border of an element?
A. border
B. border-style
C. border-left
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Syntax: border-left: border-width border-style border-color;
Q: Which of the following property is used to round border corners?
A. border-corner
B. border-round
C. border-radius
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Syntax: border-radius: horizontal-radius vertical-radius
Q: Which of the following property influences the horizontal alignment of an element, making it “float” toward the left or right margin of its containing element?
A. float
B. float-left
C. float-right
D. float-align
Solution: Syntax: float: left | right | none | inherit;
Q: Which of the following property sets the font face to be used for text?
A. font
B. font-text
C. font-family
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Syntax: font-family: font 1
Q: Which of the following property sets the font size of text?
A. font
B. font-text
C. font-size
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Syntax: font-size: length | percentage

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