Test Series - css

Test Number 21/59

Q: Which of the following CSS Gradient Functions sets the direction and colors of a gradient that fades from one color to the next in a straight line?
A. gradient()
B. line-gradient()
C. linear-gradient()
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Self-explainatory.
Q: Which of the following CSS Gradient Functions creates a circular or elliptical gradient, and optionally sets its shape, size, and position?
A. radial-gradient()
B. circular-gradient()
C. elliptical-gradient()
D. none of the mentioned
Solution: Self-explainatory.
Q: Which of the following CSS Gradient Functions Creates a radial gradient that repeats infinitely?
A. repeat-radial-gradient()
B. repeating-radial-gradient()
C. infinite-radial-gradient()
Solution: Self-explainatory.
Q: Which of the following is not a browser-specific versions of linear-gradient()?
A. -moz-linear-gradient()
B. -o-linear-gradient()
C. -mac-linear-gradient()
D. -webkit-linear-gradient()
Solution: Self-explainatory.
Q: Which of the following argument is not accepted by radial-gradient() function?
A. Shape
B. Time
C. Color stops
D. Position
Solution: Self-explainatory.
Q: Which of the following function creates a CSS gradient image that can be used anywhere an image URL is required, including background-image, border-image, and list-style properties?
A. canvas
B. gradient
C. animation
D. color
Solution: Self-explainatory.
Q: Which of the following option best explain this code “background-image: repeating-radial-gradient(circle at 50% 100%, #FFEB79, #D9CC3C 5%);”?
A. Creating Infinte circular Gradients
B. Creating Repeating Circular Gradients
C. Creating Repeating Radial Gradients
D. Creating Infinite Radial Gradients
Solution: Self-explainatory.
Q: Which of the following option best explain this code “background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, #426A77, #FFF 6px);”?
A. Creating Straight Stripes
B. Creating Cubic Stripes
C. Creating Spiral Stripes
D. Creating Diagonal Stripes
Solution: Self-explainatory.
Q: Which of the following option best explain this code “background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(to right, #D9CC3C, #FFEB79 5%, #D9CC3C 10%);”?
A. Creating a Repeating Gradient
B. Creating a Mix Repeating Gradient
C. Creating a Shadow Repeating Gradient
D. Creating a Smooth Repeating Gradient
Solution: Self-explainatory.

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