Test Series - css

Test Number 1/59

Q: CSS stands for __________
A. Color Style Sheets
B. Cascade Sheets Style
C. Cascade Style Sheet
D. Cascading Style Sheets
Solution: CSS is a style sheet language which stands for Cascading Style Sheet.
Q: In CSS, h1 can be called as _______
A. Selector
B. Attribute
C. Value
D. Tag
Solution: HTML element h1 is used in CSS for styling then it is also called a selector. Attributes are the special words which control the element’s behaviour. To show the start and end of HTML element, tag is used.
Q: In css, “color:red” can be called as _____________
A. Selector
B. Rule
C. Declaration
D. Value
Solution: In CSS, color:red is the declaration for an element saying that the given element has to apply a red color. Color is one of CSS property.
Q: Which of the following attributes is used to specify elements to bind style rules to?
A. id
B. class
C. tag
D. all of the mentioned
Solution: In CSS, styling elements can be done by id, class and tag attribute.
Q: Which selector is used to specify a rule to bind a particular unique element?
A. id
B. class
C. tag
D. both class and tag
Solution: For binding a particular unique element, id selectors are used. While for group of elements, class selector can be used.
Q: In CSS, “font-size” can be called as ________
A. Selector
B. Rule
C. Property
D. Property-Name
Solution: In CSS, font-size is a property-name which increases/decreases the font of text.
Q: ________ selectors are used to specify a group of elements.
A. id
B. class
C. tag
D. both class and tag
Solution: Class selectors are used to specify a group of elements. Id selector specifies a particular unique element.
Q: Which of the following tag is used to embed css in html page?
A.  is used to embed JS in HTML. is HTML5 declaration.
Q: _________ has introduced text, list, box, margin, border, color, and background properties.
A. css
B. html
C. ajax
D. php
Solution: CSS is a style sheet language which stands for Cascading Style Sheet. CSS has introduced text, list, box, margin, border, color, and background properties.
Q: Is it the best way to include H1 heading only one time on the web page.
A. True
B. False
C. .
D. 0
Solution: It is good practice to include H1 heading only once and to use H2-H6 heading in other areas.

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