Test Series - cpp

Test Number 81/102

Q: In which of the following relationship objects of related classes can occur independently?
A. Aggregation
B. Association
C. Composition
D. Both Aggregation an Association
Solution: In both Aggregations and Association of objects of related classes can occur independently. For example, an employee can have a bank and a bank can have an employee. Also, Association is a superset of Aggregation, therefore, it also follows the same.
Q: In which of the following relationship objects of related classes are strongly dependent?
A. Aggregation
B. Association
C. Composition
D. Both Composition an Association
Solution: In both Composition and Association, objects of related classes are strongly dependent. For example, books will be destroyed if the library does not exist (talking about objects of classes).
Q: Composition is a __________ type of Association relationship.
A. strong
B. weak
C. unnecessary
D. necessary
Solution: Composition is a strong type of Association relationship because in this case, objects are strongly dependent on each other. For example, human and heart cannot exist without each other.
Q: Aggregation is a __________ type of Association relationship.
A. strong
B. weak
C. unnecessary
D. necessary
Solution: Aggregation is a weak type of Association relationship because in this case objects of related classes can occur independently. For example, bank and employee can occur independently.
Q: Which type of relationship is modelled by Association?
A. Is-A relationship
B. Has-A relationship
C. Part-Of relationship
D. Have-A relationship
Solution: Association models the has-a relationship between classes. Similar to aggregation, in this children can exist without a parent, therefore, they have a relationship.
Q: Which container is used to store elements as key-value pair?
A. map
B. multimap
C. unordered map
D. all of the mentioned
Solution: C++ provides these three containers(map, multimap and unordered map) to store elements as key-value pair.
Q: Which container can have the same keys?
A. map
B. multimap
C. unordered map
D. set
Solution: C++ provide multimap container that is used to make map that can contain same keys i.e. {a: 5} and {a:10} both can exist.
Q: Which container is best to keep the collection of distinct elements?
A. multimap
B. heap
C. set
D. queue
Solution: C++ provides a set container to store a collection of distinct elements. This container behaves similar to mathematical sets.
Q: Which container is used to keep priority based elements?
A. queue
B. stack
C. set
D. priority queue
Solution: C++ provides priority queue container that stores elements based on their priority. For example, if the absolute value is the priority then -6 will be kept before 4 in the priority queue.
Q: Sets are implemented using _______________________
A. binary search tree
B. red black tree
C. avl tree
D. heap
Solution: Sets are implemented using the search tree so that we can check the presence of any element to be inserted in O(logn) time in order to remove conflicts between elements.

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