Test Series - python

Test Number 64/108

Q: Which are the advantages of functions in python?
A. Reducing duplication of code
B. Decomposing complex problems into simpler pieces
C. Improving clarity of the code
D. All of the mentioned
Solution: None.
Q: What are the two main types of functions?
A. Custom function
B. Built-in function & User defined function
C. User function
D. System function
Solution: Built-in functions and user defined ones. The built-in functions are part of the Python language. Examples are: dir(), len() or abs(). The user defined functions are functions created with the def keyword.
Q: Where is function defined?
A. Module
B. Class
C. Another function
D. All of the mentioned
Solution: Functions can be defined inside a module, a class or another function.
Q: What is called when a function is defined inside a class?
A. Module
B. Class
C. Another function
D. Method
Solution: None.
Q: Which of the following is the use of id() function in python?
A. Id returns the identity of the object
B. Every object doesn’t have a unique id
C. All of the mentioned
D. None of the mentioned
Solution: Each object in Python has a unique id. The id() function returns the object’s id.
Q: Which of the following refers to mathematical function?
A. sqrt
B. rhombus
C. add
D. rhombus
Solution: Functions that are always available for usage, functions that are contained within external modules, which must be imported and functions defined by a programmer with the def keyword.
Eg: math import sqrt
A sqrt() function is imported from the math module.
Q: What will be the output of the following Python code?

def cube(x):
    return x * x * x      
x = cube(3)    
print x
A. 9
B. 3
C. 27
D. 30
Solution: A function is created to do a specific task. Often there is a result from such a task. The return keyword is used to return values from a function. A function may or may not return a value. If a function does not have a return keyword, it will send a none value.
Q: What will be the output of the following Python code?

def C2F(c):
    return c * 9/5 + 32
print C2F(100)
print C2F(0)
A. 212 32
B. 314 24
C. 567 98
D. None of the mentioned
Solution: The code shown above is used to convert a temperature in degree celsius to fahrenheit.
Q: What will be the output of the following Python code?

def power(x, y=2):
    r = 1
    for i in range(y):
       r = r * x
    return r
print power(3)
print power(3, 3)
A. 212 32
B. 9 27
C. 567 98
D. None of the mentioned
Solution: The arguments in Python functions may have implicit values. An implicit value is used, if no value is provided. Here we created a power function. The function has one argument with an implicit value. We can call the function with one or two arguments.

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