Father and son duo helped millions of helpless lives during this lockdown pandemic


In Madhya Pradesh, Mr. Vivek Tankha and his son Varun Tankha have took up the mantle to be the servants of humanity. Both Mr. Tankha and his son have been busy since March trying to arrange funds, transfers, supplements and healthcare for the people of Madhya Pradesh who belong to the weaker sections of the society. Mr.Tankha has been receiving mails in hundreds from students, lawyers, doctors who have been stranded in other states and wish to return to their homes in Madhya Pradesh but haven’t been able to do so in the lockdown. They have been working around the clock to make sure that all these requests and plea for help are answered at the earliest.

First of all Mr. Tankha made sure to help people from his own professional background i.e. lawyers. Knowing that how such a pandemic can be a really difficult period for lawyers as cases won’t come by Mr. Tankha made sure that the lawyers’ cessthat is collected whenever a cases is filed and which is supposed to be used for the betterment and support of lawyers in need must be used to help lawyers across the states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh in these trying times. Mr. Tankha’s son Varun Tankha who is an advocate himself helped a lot in assuring that the money reaches the lawyers in need.

Following mails received by Mr. Tankha from across the country and from outside India as well, Varun along with the help and support of his father set up a website where all those in need of can kind of help be it financial or those who wish to return to their homes in other states could register. The people who registered were divided into 3 categories, those who originally belong to Madhya Pradesh but were stranded in other states, those belonging to other states but were stranded in Madhya Pradesh and those who needed to travel to their homes from one district in Madhya Pradesh to another. Varun along with his colleagues themselves categorized thousands of people in these categories and prepared lists and sent those lists to government officials in other states so that the same work doesn’t need to be done at the other end saving a lot of valuable time. Varun and Mr. Tankha arranged e-passes for the people and made sure that they communicated efficiently with governments and officials of other states so that the entire process to helping stranded civilians is carried is smoothly and quickly.

Mr. Tankha and Varun also helped students and people working in various professions stranded abroad. On receiving mails from Indians wishing to return back to the country during the pandemic, Mr. Tankha wasted no time and contacted the aviation minister and various ministers at the center to make sure that quick action is taken and those people stranded abroad who wish to come back are brought back to their homes quickly and safely.
Mr. Tankha and Varun Tankha have both proved that in the pandemic and the unfortunate chaos that came along with the lockdown if one had the will to help his fellow being then even a global pandemic won’t be able to deter the absolute dedication of that person towards serving humanity. We need more and more people like Mr. Tankha and Varun Tankha who selflessly give everything they’ve got just to aid mankind without a seconds thought about themselves.

[ Article by: team tosscall ]

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