OLX Group is offering job opportunity as Process Associate


Process Associate

What you will be doing:

Deeply understand the customer and their challenges through research and data analysis.
Capture and distribute what customers think and feel at different touchpoints via key metrics including NPS and CSAT.
Synthesise and communicate insights and trends.
Present the Voice of the Customer to stakeholders for identifying opportunities to deliver an optimal customer experience

What we're looking for:

- At least 1-3 years of prior work experience in managing multiple programs focused on customer experience and process excellence.
Excellent verbal, written communication and presentation with interpersonal skills.
Strong sense of initiative, the acumen to learn, adapt and collaborate.
Ability to multitask and work with people across teams & levels.
Experience with working in fast-paced, and high energy environments

We are turning Diversity & Inclusion into our superpower and competitive advantage. We encourage people of all races, ethnicities, disabilities, ages, gender identity or expression, backgrounds and experiences to consider applying for this role.

Click Here to Apply

[ Article by: team tosscall ]

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