GOOGLE DevFest India’s Largest Developer Event hosted by Google Developers Groups


DevFest India is the largest annual developer’s fest organized by Google Developer Groups across India. Join us for 3 exciting days packed with learning, networking, experimenting and the most important of all - SWAGS!

Oct 22 to Oct 24,2021

Online, YouTube

This DevFest brings you the
curated schedule

3 Days

15+ Sessions

50+ Communities

Panel Discussions

Learn from the interaction of an expert group of panelists.

Networking Sessions

Connect with fellow attendees, speakers and community leaders.

Hands-on sessions

Don’t just watch the sessions. Follow along.

Job Opportunities

Connect with recruiters whose requirements match your skills.

Ice Breaker Activites

Get refreshed by participating in ice breaker activities.

Roadmap For Developers

Want to become a developer? Join us to get all the answers.

Developer Certifications

Slingshot your career with Developer Certifications.

Swags and Goodies

Even though DevFest is online, we still have SWAGS!

Well Being Session

We care about learning and mental well being.

Devfest is an Annual Conference hosted for Developers by GDGs across India

DevFest India is the annual developer’s fest organized by Google Developers Group. Like 2020, this year too we have 50+ GDG Communities uniting together to bring before you DevFest India 2021.

Are you someone who’s looking to enhance your skills, who believes in lifting others as you climb? Are you someone frustrated with fixing bugs ? Or do you just want peer learning? This year, we have a safe space for everything. While learning about different technologies at DevFest India 2021 and getting job-ready, you can enlighten your mind with flash talks, create your profile for peer learning, make your own badges, and win exciting gifts!

Join Our Whatsapp Group

Click Here to Apply

[ Article by: seed it solution ]

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