Women need to know Financial/Investment Planning & it's Importance: Vasundhara Tankha Sharma


Money is not the most important thing in the world, but make sure you earn enough before spouting such nonsense. This statement is as true as a statement can get in today’s world. The world runs on money and that is an inescapable fact. Money is essential not only for survival but for having a better quality of life. Yesterday as the Supreme Court passed a momentous judgement stating that daughters will hold equal coparcenary rights in joint Hindu family property.

The decision is momentous because it allows women to claim equal rights to ancestral property which until now was not possible. This begs the question why has it taken so long to ensure that women get equal share in ancestral property i.e. why were women kept out of the subject of ancestral property all this time. Does money holds less value for the women of a family compared to the men of a family. Surely this can’t be right as money is money. Money is important for all be it a male or a female. Be it a male of a female both need financial stability to survive and thrive in the world. So why has women been kept out of the financial decision making chain for all this time.

In a recent interview with Dr. Manisha Gaur, VasundharaTankha answered some of these question and also talked in detail about the ins and outs of financial and investment sector. Vasundhara who has completed her Masters from London School of Economics and has worked in the financial sector with several high profile companies like Morgan, Stanley and Paypal and is currently working as the Director of Capital at a firm in Singapore. As is evident her bio speaks for herself and she can be thought of as a modern day example for women empowerment.

In the interview Vasundhara speaks in detail about how to handle oneself and their money in the financial and investment sector. Vasundhara start by giving a clear and through differentiation between savings and investment. She explains that how saving your money is something really good but investing it in the right place at the right time to get high returns is something even better. She explains how at the time like this when the corona pandemic has destabilized the economical balance of almost every country in the world, one’s investment can really prove beneficial and helpful in mitigating the negative impact of the economic crunch that has been brought upon the world due to the corona virus. Vasundhara also spoke in the interview about the social issues surrounding women and how these social issues and these bygone viewpoint have prevented women from taking the center stage and decision making power pertaining to financial decisions and topics in their own families and households.

Mrs. VasundharaTankha Sharma is a modern day example of a women who has risen to a prominent and respectable position in her field of work all by her efforts and dedication. She is certainly a woman that can stand as a pillar of hope and inspiration for woman all around the country to pursue their dreams with commitment and passion. She is a woman amongst numerous others who can play a pivotal role in bringing about this age of woman empowerment to its full potential and glory.

for detailed video you can click the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3riVnQnvsc
[ Article by: team tosscall ]

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