Machine learning beginner Kaggle competitor in 30 days. Non-coders welcome


How does the challenge work?

In the first 2 weeks, you’ll receive hands-on assignments delivered to your inbox. The goal of these assignments is to rapidly cover the most essential skills needed to get your hands dirty with data. You'll start by learning how to code in Python and quickly learn how to build your first machine learning model.

After tackling these core concepts, you’ll be invited to a super fun, beginner-friendly Kaggle machine learning competition to test your knowledge. Through practice, you’ll explore the best ways to use Kaggle as a learning resource and connect with other data scientists.

On top of all of this, you’ll have the opportunity to attend elective workshops and seminars hosted by data scientists from Google's Developer Experts Program. The challenge kicks off on August 2nd and only requires a Kaggle account.

Program Highlights

📚 2 weeks of daily, hands-on assignments (with emails to keep you on track) 📃 Course completion certificates 💬 Learning community chat room access
🎥 Elective workshops by Google's Developer Expert Data Science Program ⛰️ Invitation to a beginner-friendly, invite-only Kaggle competition 🏆 Competition prizes (Kaggle Swag for top 10 teams on leaderboard)
Interested? Hooray! Sign up for the challenge here.

I already have some familiarity with Python and/or Machine Learning. Can I still join the program?

Anyone can join! You’ll get more out of the program if you’re not a very advanced Python user, or if you are relatively new to machine learning.

What is the time commitment for the program?

Assignments should take about 1 hour/day to complete.

How much is the program?

Nothing! All you need is a Kaggle account.

Do I need to bring my own GPU or deep learning workstation?

No, Kaggle provides free hosted notebooks with access to GPUs and TPUs to complete your data science projects.

Which courses will I complete?

As part of the program, you will complete three courses: Python, Intro to Machine Learning, and Intermediate Machine Learning.

During the ML competition part of this program, can I compete with others on a team?

Yes, you can compete on a team of up to 3 people.

Will the competition award medals or points?

No, the competition will not award medals or points. We've removed the pressure of medals and points in hopes of creating a more productive learning experience.

Apply Link
[ Article by: SEED IT SOLUTION ]

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