Complete Formulas & Functions Masterclass in MS Excel, The direct shortcut to career success.


Become a top-tier professional by mastering Microsoft Excel. This course will guide you from essential Excel functions to “master-level” proficiency, allowing you to solve complex problems and impress with your extraordinary analytic skills. We will start with fundamentals and advance to structured, real-life-based courseware that will enable you possess a versatile and effective toolbox to solve most workplace problems with great ease. Not only will you have the basic and advanced formulas at your fingertips, you will be able to build your own formula combinations to RADICALLY CUT DOWN YOUR WORKFLOW and PERFORM UNPARALLELED ANALYTICS.


What differentiates this course from the other Microsoft Excel courses? It includes:

- Over 60 Microsoft Excel functions designed to handle any form of data: numerical, text, dates, and others.

- This course is based on real-life application and draws from years of experience in working for large enterprises and consulting companies in data management, business analytics, and financial analysis. The course is taught through both theory and practical applications.

- A versatile structure that will teach you the Excel functions themselves, but also provide you with important skills of working with the formulas tool, handling errors, combining functions, and building your general skillset.

- Over 50 lectures built to help you succeed at Microsoft Excel and become one of the best professionals in your field.

- Simple explanations that will allow you to intuitively master even complex formulas and concepts.

- High quality video and content meant to keep the course interesting and easy to remember.


By the end of this course, you will be able to:

- Join datasets from multiple sources using LOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH and CONCATENATE;

- Process and clear contradictory, overwhelming, and “raw” data to arrive at consolidated information and effective insights;

- Manipulate and analyze text, arrays, ranges, dates, times, numbers;

- Process errors though IFERROR, IFNA, and other methods;

- Build conditional, layered and structured formulas through IFS and Logical Operators;

- Simplify tedious workflows and operational inefficiencies;

- Become confident in Excel and capable of teaching others.

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[ Article by: seed it solution ]

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