Edureka Free Data Science Projects And Certificate


Workshop Overview
If you have been working remotely these past few months, we have an opportunity for you to learn Data Science from home.

That’s why we invite you to register for a FREE 2-day online workshop where you will learn the fundamentals of Data Science and Deep Learning in a live, interactive environment from an industry expert.

The workshop will also include a LIVE project where you will use Deep Learning to analyze images after we have used steganography to conceal information.

You will also get all your questions and doubts resolved in real-time.

In this 2-day workshop you will:

Work on a Live Project analyzing a dataset on cryptographic images
Use steganography to conceal important information
Use Deep Learning to encode and decode these images
Explore 10 most in-demand Data Science skills
Explore career opportunities in Data Science
Get in touch with experts to understand a Data Scientist's typical day at work

Who is this session for?
Anyone can join this session as long as you have a basic understanding of Data Science Fundamentals. Also, if you are a Data Science enthusiast, this session will help you in gaining knowledge and build a career in this field.

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[ Article by: Seed IT Solution ]

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