Microsoft Internship For Students Work From Home


Every year, we welcome thousands of university students from every corner of the world to join Microsoft. You bring your aspirations, talent, potential—and excitement for the journey ahead. We’re a company of learn-it-alls rather than know-it-alls and our culture is centered around embracing a growth mindset, a theme of inspiring excellence, and encouraging teams and leaders to bring their best each day. Does this sound like you? Learn more about our cultural attributes.

Are you ready to join us and create the future? Come as you are, do what you love—start your journey with us today!

Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. As employees we come together with a growth mindset, innovate to empower others, and collaborate to realize our shared goals. Each day we build on our values of respect, integrity, and accountability to create a culture of inclusion where everyone can thrive at work and beyond. Learn more about our cultural attributes

At Microsoft, Interns work on real-world projects in collaboration with teams across the world, while having fun along the way. You’ll be empowered to build community, explore your passions, and achieve your goals. This is your chance to bring your solutions and ideas to life while working on cutting-edge technology. The internship is designed not only for you to do great work with the opportunity to learn and grow, but to experience our culture full of diverse community connection, executive engagement, and memorable events.

As a design intern at India Development Center (MSIDC), you will have the opportunity to work closely with product teams to produce world-class, and delightful design solutions in line with our business goals and with the intention of enabling the best possible experience for our users. 

As a design intern at India Development Center (MSIDC), you will have the opportunity to work closely with product teams to produce world-class, and delightful design solutions in line with our business goals and with the intention of enabling the best possible experience for our users. 

Bachelor’s or master’s degree in Design graduating in 2025.
A portfolio showcasing creative thinking, proficiency in translating research insights into great product experiences, and reflecting the synthesis of good visual & interaction design principles.
Strong problem-solving skills and a command of interaction and visual design capabilities.
Knowledge of methods for gathering and analyzing UX research data.   
User-centric approach to design and an understanding of how to apply research insights into design.


Bengaluru, Hyderabad

Visit our Careers FAQ Page to learn more about the interview process and answers to commonly asked questions.

Work collaboratively with the world’s best user experience researchers, program managers, product planners and developers from the early stages of planning through implementation.
Identify opportunities and generate innovative ideas, to influence the design direction and make our already popular products even more successful.   
Demonstrate customer obsession by focussing on customer & user needs, and translate those into product experiences
Create and assess design solutions based on user research input, user goals, and business requirements
Understand Microsoft’s design principles and frameworks and apply them consistently in the design process.  
Advocate for your design solutions by putting them in context of business and user goals
Create wireframes, journey maps, user jobs and scenarios, task flows, and personas in support of interaction designs for software-based experiences.
Participate in periodic design reviews, evaluate the designs against the project and design goals, and help identify & mitigate any gaps and risks. 
Most importantly, learn.   

Apply Here
Software Engineering - Internship Opportunities

User Experience Design: Intern Opportunities for University Graduates

[ Article by: seedit ]

2018 Tosscall Services India Private Limited
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