

Open P-TECH for
Students & Parents

Interested in learning more about what it takes to work in a cutting-edge technology career? Open P-TECH is a great place to start your career exploration and begin building skills that will help you become well-positioned for a fulfilling career!

IBM and its collaborators know what tech and professional skills are critical for the future and have packaged that knowledge specifically for you through Open P-TECH!

Open P-TECH is a great way to jump-start your career exploration with industry-relevant learning created to keep your attention and motivate you to want to learn more. Plus, you will have free access to digital badges from IBM and other partners that can boost your LinkedIn profile or resume to help you get that first meaningful job opportunity.

recognized digital badges
Digital badges are a great way to show potential employers that you've taken extra steps to be informed about your particular area of interest, and have baseline knowledge and skills in a particular industry area. Once you’ve earned a badge, you can showcase your skills to prospective employers on LinkedIn or other professional networking sites. Learn how to share your badges

Open P-TECH orients you to the wide world of technology—learn all about AI, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Quantum and more

Open P-TECH is free and open to you and everyone else, everywhere else
You can build your skills in areas which excite you and earn digital badges to demonstrate your accomplishments
On your own to spark interest and take the first steps
Lead yourself on a tour of what technology is and can be. Imagine having an exciting career. Take the first steps to build your skills. Earn no-cost digital badges which will help you stand out as you apply to potential schools, internships, or employers.

As a teacher to share career possibilities with your students
Easily share career information with your students. Facilitate fun sessions covering topics such as AI and design thinking. Supplement your existing curriculum with new resources to help your students build the skills employers are seeking.

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[ Article by: SEED IT SOLUTION ]