Revature is offering job opportunity as Technical Developer


Say hello to the best way to kickstart your career in tech. Whether you’re starting fresh or looking to learn new programming skills, Revature will accelerate your career in technology by giving you the opportunity to learn on the job. That’s right: we pay you to Iearn.

Apply Online ;

Our online application process is simple and fast. We connect with college grads from tech and non-tech backgrounds to be hired at Revature. No prior coding experience is required!

Have an Interview

If your application is accepted, you’ll be interviewed via phone or Skype. Here, we’ll talk to you more in depth about what skills you want to learn, the certifications you want, and your career goals.

Get Training & Experience

You’ll go through an intensive and customized 10-14 week program, learning the skills and working on projects that set you on your career path:

Java fullstack
Salesforce CRM
Cloud Admin/Azure
Cloud Admin/AWS
And more!

Kickstart your Career

After you’ve successfully completing training, you’ll be assigned to a Revature client project and begin working on leading-edge technologies for many of the most innovative companies in the world

Click Here to Apply

[ Article by: team tosscall ]

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