Tata 100% Scholarship on Guaranteed Job Program by BridgeLabz


100% Scholarship on Guaranteed Job Program by BridgeLabz

BridgeLabz Regular Fellowship Program is a 100% Guaranteed software development job program developed by BridgeLabz . The Program is designed to give inexperienced engineers coding skills in an unique environment which makes them productive on the job from day #1.

The usual program cost is Rs.50,000+ taxes

BridgeLabz and Tata Strive have partnered to ensure financial problems do not hamper careers of deserving candidates. Hence are together providing a 100% Scholarship of Rs.50,000/-

Please note If you do not qualify under Tata Strive Economically Challenged Criteria, you can still qualify under BridgeLabz Eligibility Criteria for 100% Scholarship.

The below is a 3 step Process to register and check your eligibility for the program.

BridgeLabz will communicate directly with you if you are eligible.

The program has limited seats and those eligible will be allocated seats on a first come - first serve basis.

Click Here to Apply

[ Article by: SEED IT ]

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