Girls, you are not dark, short or fat....this is something companies use to sell their products


The words “ fairness challenge,money return promises” are crying out from various commercials and T.V. advertisements.But how far is the skin care or fitness is the focal point of advertisers?. The quest for fairness,being slim has created a multi-million-dollar business and by 2024 this skin lightening market is expecting to grow more than 31.2 billion U.S. dollars worldwide.

People would loved me more and i could achieved massive success and happiness if I had lighter skin? This is what the social ideology advertisers often use to become the customers choice.This way of visual commercials spread a thought of being black is curse like a symbol of uncleanliness and white is purity.Various surveys were done with the girls of merely age 6-10 and they showed more likeliness towards lighter skin tone saying” I don’t like the way brown skin looks”.Because they didnt know that brown,wheatish,white are just the skin tones inherited and they have no connection with the quality of intelligence, honesty, leadership, understanding, common sense or any other personality traits of human beings. On the other hand many people use these skin whitening products without the knowledge of their affects on skin. Taking into account their harmful effects. Ghana bans skin-lightening agent hydroquinone, Will india ever take this kind of bold step?

Similarly in fitness concerned area ,gym and diet product’s commercials make fun of obese people. Several brands like Nike,Bluecross,Subway are featuring Images of obese people in advertisements.These ads use obese folks as visual images for change.This affects advertiser and the viewer and can lead to self oppression. Advertisements add so much value to our day to day life.These can play a greater role in helping people to make healthier choices without exploiting people’s fear,insecurities and timidity for profit. Enhancing people,s body esteem are very important and critical.Most of the people are suffering from obesity,it’s not their personal choice.Lack of awareness regarding fitness and wrong practices of lifestyle,these are the areas where we should focus upon and help our society rather than commenting slow,lazy,late on obese people.We don’t laugh on a person suffering from cancer,diabetes,leprosy then why we laugh on obesity and give opportunity to such brands to make ridiculous commercials about fat people.

We all have across many people who vary in their heights and this becomes the major problem when it comes to categorization of tall and short people.Many short heighted girls face rejection in marriages and jobs.All these sensitive issues of society are pictured in commercials of various height increasing products which shows this discrimination to sell their products.Is it necessary to change in feets and inches to be wealthy, healthy and happy? To know its answer, take a look at the personalities like Neha kakkar,Sachin Tendulkar,who are the role models of India today.

P.S. Everything is a type or kind, all is beautiful and totally acceptable in this world.
[ Article by: Utkrishta Mahaskar ]

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