IIT Bombay Free Course Internship


What will I gain out of it?
You will gain an experience which will help you develop your time management skills, team work and you will build network.
Also certificates from E-Cell IIT Bombay, gift cards, world class courses & internship opportunities in some of the leading companies will be given to the deserving CAs.

Who can join the program?
Students from any college, stream, year of college can register for the Campus Ambassador Program.

About Us

The Entrepreneurship Cell of IIT Bombay is Asia’s largest non-profit entrepreneurship promoting body run by students. It has been active for 23 years and has impacted lakhs of individuals in India and abroad.

What is E-Cell IIT Bombay’s CA program?

E-Cell IIT Bombay's CA program is an endeavour to bring out the latent entrepreneurial spirit of young students from all around India. It is also an internship opportunity for students looking to explore entrepreneurship and develop related skills.

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[ Article by: SEEDIT ]

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