Udemy Offers free course on Excel Lessons - Zero to Pro for Teachers and Office Workers


Microsoft Excel - Learn Excel Charts, Spreadsheets, Formulas, Shortcuts, Tips & Tricks, etc.

What you'll learn
A Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Excel, Spreadsheets, Formulas, Shortcuts, Advanced Tables
Become proficient in Excel data tools like Sorting, Filtering, Data validations and Data importing
Excel by creating Pivot tables with slicers
Knowledge of all the essential Excel formulas
Master Excel's most popular lookup functions such as Vlookup, Hlookup, IF etc.
Make great presentations using the Conditional and Table formatting options
Increase your efficiency by learning how to create and use important Excel shortcuts
Make great reports for your chief of your department.
Organize and manipulate your data in Excel as a professional.

This course includes:
6 hours on-demand video
5 downloadable resources
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of completion

Click Here to apply for FREE

Note: Valid for limited period only
[ Article by: seed it solutions ]

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