Udemy Offers course on complete SQL for Data Analysis and Data Science in 2021


SQL by SQL example, SQL Challenges& SQL Final Exam using Real World SQL Database for Data Science & Data Analysis

What you'll learn
Using Real World PostgreSQL Database Airlines Database.
Use Python Pandas to Analyze and visualize Postgres Data Output.
SQL Test Your Self, SQL Challenges, SQL Final Exam and more
Use Python to visualize Postgres Data Output and get your Conclusion about Data.
Use SQL to create databases.
Use Python bs4 & Pandas to Scrape a webpage, Analyze and visualize The Scraped Data.
Use SQL to insert data into a table.
Use SQL to Query & retrieve data from databases.
Use SQL to Sorte records after retrieving from databases.
Use SQL to Group data by specific conditions.
Use SQL to Filter data by using where clause.
How & when to use Joins types in SQL.
How to create and deal with Sub-queries in SQL.
How to create and deal with common table expression in SQL.
Use SQL to perform data analysis of real world databases
Use SQL to perform advanced techniques to retrieve data from databases.
Use Python with SQL Postgres database.
Use Python to load Postgres Data Output file.

This course includes:
5.5 hours on-demand video
40 articles
5 downloadable resources
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of completion

Click Here to apply for Free

NOTE: Valid for limited period only
[ Article by: Seed it Solutions ]

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