Linkedin free course on Prepare for the CompTIA A+ Certification (220-1001 and 220-1002)


LinkedIn Learning's self-paced courses are taught by industry experts so you learn relevant and applicable skills that you can show off during the interview process, then on-the-job.

Our learning paths are organized sequentially to take you step-by-step through each skill area. If today is "day 1" for you, launch the learning path. Or, if you already have a few of these skills, jump into one of these courses.

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Once you've developed the right skills for an in-demand job, explore resources to help you find just the right role.

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This learning path provides system administrators with a comprehensive method for studying the skills tested in the CompTIA A+ (220-1001 and 220-1002) exams. It includes in-depth courses teaching skills from each exam domain and provides insights into resources you can use to prepare for the exam.

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[ Article by: seed it solution ]

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